August 16, 2016

Conference Schedule

Jump to day: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Schedule summary: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

The schedule is already closed  and any changes are possible only by means of slot exchanges among authors.




8:30-9:00 Opening ceremony

9:00-10:00 Keynote Lecture. Data-driven granular cognitive computing
Guoyin Wang

10:00-10:20 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

10:20-11:20 Keynote Lecture. Granular Data Mining and Uncertainty Modeling: Concepts, Features and Applications
Sankar Kumar Pal

11:20-11:40 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

11:40-13:10 Special Session. Zdzisław Pawlak. Life and Heritage
Grzegorz Rozenberg,Sankar Kumar Pal, Lech Polkowski,  Zbigniew Ras, Andrzej Skowron, Guoyin Wang, Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska

13:10-14:30 Lunch Kortowo Harbour

14:30-15:30 Keynote Lecture. Realizing applied, useful, self-realizing cyber-physical system with the HARMS integration model
Eric Matson

15:30-15:45  Promotional Sponsor Talk

15:45-16:05 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:05- 17:20 Session. General Rough Sets

16:05-16:30 Towards adaptive rough sets
Andrzej Skowron, Soma Dutta

16:30-16:55 Rough set analysis of classification data with missing values
Marcin Szeląg, Jerzy Błaszczyński, Roman Słowiński

16:55-17:20 Yet another kind of rough sets induced by coverings
Ryszard Janicki

17:20-17:35 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

17:35-18:00 Session. General Rough Sets

17:35-18:00 A measure of inconsistency for simple decision systems over ontological graphs
Krzysztof Pancerz

19:00 Welcome Party Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s



15:45 – 16:05 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:05-17:20 Session. General Rough Sets

16:05-16:30 Multi-view clustering algorithm based on variable weight and MKL
Peirui Zhang, Yan Yang, Bo Peng, Mengjiao He

16:30-16:55 Temporal prediction model for social information propagation
Fei Teng, Rong Tang, Yan Yang, Hongjie Wang, Rongjie Dai

16:55-17:20 The optimal estimation of fuzziness parameter in fuzzy c-means algorithm
Hsun-Chih Kuo, Yu-Jau Lin

17:20-17:35 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

17:35-18:25 Session. General Rough Sets

17:35-18:00 Sequential three-way decisions in efficient classification of piecewise stationary speech signals
Andrey Savchenko

18:00-18:25 Computer certification of generalized rough sets based on relations
Adam Grabowski

19:00 Welcome Party Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s



15:45-16:05 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:05-17:20 Session. General Rough sets

16:05-16:30 Three-way decisions in incomplete information sets based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets
Xiaoping Yang

16:30-16:55 Attribute reduction. An ensemble strategy
Suping Xu, Pingxin Wang, Jinhai Li, Xibei Yang, Xiangjian Chen

16:55-17:20 Induction of rules for differential diagnosis
Shusaku Tsumoto, Shoji Hirano

17:20-17:35 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

17:35-18:50 Session. General Rough Sets

17:35-18:00 A rough view on incomplete information in games
Georg Peters

18:00-18:25 Heterogeneous approximate reasoning with graded truth values
F L de Angelis, G di Marzo Serugendo, B Dunin-Kęplicz, A Szałas

18:25-18:50 Temporal relations of rough anti-patterns in software development
Łukasz Puławski:

19:00 Welcome Party Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s



15:45-16:05 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:05-17:20 Session. FCA

16:05-16:30 Attribute reduction in rough set theory and FCA
Maria J Benitez Caballero, Jesus Medina, Eloisa Ramirez Poussa

16:30-16:55 ASF based formal concept analysis on multi-valued context
Lidong Wang, Xiaodong Liu, Jinhai Li

16:55-17:20 Turning KRIMP into a triclustering technique on sets of attribute-condition pairs that compress
Maxim Yurov, Dmitry Ignatov

17:20-17:35 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

17:35-18:50 Session. FCA. General Rough Sets

17:35-18:00 Classification model based on topological approximation space
Bożena Staruch

18:00-18:25 Rough and Near: Modal history of two theories
Marcin Wolski, Anna Gomolińska

18:25-18:50 Stable rules evaluation for rough-set-based bipolar model: A preliminary study for credit loan evaluation
Kao-Yi Shen, Hiroshi Sakai, Gwo-Hsiung Tzeng

19:00 Welcome Party Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s




9:00-10:00 Plenary Lecture. Exploratory knowledge analysis: An FCA perspective
Amedeo Napoli

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

10:30-11:45 Keynote Lecture. A framework for exploring disciplines of science: Dynamic processes within a static depository of knowledge
Grzegorz Rozenberg

11:45-13:00 Session. General Rough Sets

11:45-12:10 Discernibility matrix and rules acquisition based Chinese question answering system
Zhao Han, Fuji Ren, Duoqian Miao, Hongyun Zhang

12:10-12:35 Proposal of dominance-based rough set approach by STRIM and its applied example
Yuichi Kato, Takahiro Itsuno, Tetsuo Saeki

12:35-13:00 Attribute reduction on distributed incomplete decision information system
Jun Hu, Kai Wang, Hong Yu

13:00-13:15 Promotional Sponsor Talk
Olsztyn Science & Technology Park

13:20-14:50 Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:50-15:30 Tutorial. Mereotopology. Static and dynamic?
Dimiter Vakarelov

15:30-16:45 Session. General Rough Sets

15:30-15:55 An overlapping clustering approach with correlation weight
Yingge Xu, Yan Yang, Hongyun Wang, Jie Hu

15:55-16:20 Integration of gene expression and ontology in clustering of functionally similar genes
Sushmita Paul

16:20-16:45 The attribute reductions based on indiscernibility and discernibility relations
Keyun Quin, Sihui Jing

16:45-16:55 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:55-17:20 Session General Rough Sets

16:55-17:20 Distinguishing vagueness from ambiguity in dominance-based rough set approach by means of bipolar Pawlak-Brouwer-Zadeh lattices
Salvatore Greco, Benedetto Matarazzo, Roman Słowiński

18:00-18:40 Soup & Sandwich Break Old Power Plant Lounge

18:40 Departure for Concerto

19:00 Chamber concerto of Polish Music Olsztyn Music School Aula
Adam Mikołaj Goździewski (Piano), Kornelia Figielska (Violin)


11:45-13:00 Session. General Rough Sets

11:45-12:10 Rough sets in incomplete information systems with order relations under Lipski’s approach
Michinori Nakata, Hiroshi Sakai, Keitarou Hara

12:10-12:35 iPDO:An effective feature depth estimation method for 3D face reconstruction
Xun Gong, Xinxin Li, Shendong Du, Yang Zhao

12:35-13:00 Regularization and shrinkage in rough set based canonical correlation analysis
Ankita Mandal, Pradipta Maji

13:20-14:50 Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:50-16:30 Session. General Rough Sets

14:50-15:15 Multi-stage optimization of matchings in trees with application to kidney exchange
Michal Mankowski, Mikhail Moshkov

15:15-15:40 Assignment reduction of relation decision systems
Guilong Liu

15:40-16:05 On importance of rows for decision tables
Hassan Aboueisha, Mohammad Azad, Mikhail Moshkov

16:05-16:30 Characteristic sets and generalized maximal consistent blocks in mining incomplete data
Patrick Clark, Chen Gao, Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, Teresa Mroczek

16:30-16:50 Coffee Break Old Power Plant

16:50-17:15 Session. General Rough Sets

16:50-17:15 A proposal for machine learning by rule generation from tables with non-deterministic information and its prototype system
Hiroshi Sakai, Michinori Nakata, Junzo Watada

18:00-18:40 Soup & Sandwich Break Old Power Plant Lounge

18:40 Departure for Concerto

19:00 Chamber concerto of Polish Music Olsztyn Music School Aula
Adam Mikołaj Goździewski (Piano), Kornelia Figielska (Violin)



11:45-13:00 Session. General Rough Sets

11:45-12:10 Petri nets over ontological graphs: Conception and application for modeling tasks of robots
Jarosław Szkoła, Krzysztof Pancerz

12:10-12:35 Fractal analysis approaches to granular computing
Jingtao Yao, Oladunni Oladimeji, Yan Zhang

12:35-13:00 Toward interactive data exploration with infolattices: A position paper
Dominik Ślęzak et al.

13:20-14:50 Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:20-16:05 Session. General Rough Sets

14:50-15:20 IRSS Fellow Talk. Ewa Orłowska
(presented by Dominik Ślęzak)

15:20-15:45 A metadata diagnostic framework for a new approximate query framework working with granulated data summaries
Dominik Ślęzak et al.

15:45-16:10 Automatically determining the popularity of a song
Costin G Chiru, Oana G Popescu

16:10-16:35 A framework for analysis of granular neural networks
Julian Skirzynski

16:35-16:45 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:45-17:10 Session. General Rough Sets

16:45-17:10 A new algebra and logic from a category of rough sets
Anuj Kumar More, Mohua Banerjee

18:00-18:40 Soup & Sandwich Break Old Power Plant Lounge

18:40 Departure for Concerto

19:00 Chamber concerto of Polish Music Olsztyn Music School Aula
Adam Mikołaj Goździewski (Piano), Kornelia Figielska (Violin)



11:45-13:00 Session. Software Systems for Rough Sets

11:45-12:10 Introducing NRough framework
Sebastian Widz

12:10-12:35 Hadware supported rule based classification on big data sets
Maciej Kopczyński, Tomasz Grześ, Jarosław Stepaniuk

12:35-13:00 Scalable maximal discernibility discretization for big data
Jarosław Stepaniuk, Michał Czołombitko

13:20-14:50 Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:50-15:50 Tutorial. The multi-purpose role of the relational approach to classic and generalized approximation spaces
Piero Pagliani

15:50-16:15 On combining discretization parameters and attribute ranking for selection of decision rules
Urszula Stańczyk, Beata Zielosko

16:15-16:40 Tutorial. Rough sets for big data: Applications in Life Sciences
Klev Diamanti

16:40-17:05 Modeling approximations and Imprecision in metaphor detection using fuzzy rough sets
Sunny Rai, Shampa Chakraverty

18:00-18:40 Soup & Sandwich Break Old Power Plant Lounge

18:40 Departure for Concerto

19:00 Chamber concerto of Polish Music Olsztyn Music School Aula
Adam Mikołaj Goździewski (Piano), Kornelia Figielska (Violin)




9:00- 13:00 Conference excursion: St.Poplar Cloister, Łężany Palace

13:00-14:30 Lunch Łężany Palace

14:30-18:30 Excursion: Wolfschanze or Krutynia Boating

19:00 Conference Dinner Łężany Palace




9:00-10:00 Plenary Lecture. Advances in rough set based hybrid approaches for medical image analysis
Pradipta Maji

10:00-10:20 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

10:20-11:20 Plenary Lecture. Big data analysis by rough sets and granular computing
Tianrui Li

11:20-12:20 Keynote Lecture. Toward data-driven education
Rakesh Agrawal

12:20-13:15 Tutorial. A tutorial on mereotopology: Contact structures crisp and rough
Ivo Duentsch

13:15-14:15 Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:15 -15:05 Session. Vagueness , Rough Sets, Mereology

14:15-14:40 Mereology as a tool in problems of inteligent control, granular computing, data analysis and approximate and spatial reasoning
Lech Polkowski

14:40-15:05 Actual existence predicate in mereology and mereotopology
Dimiter Vakarelov

15:05-16:05 Plenary Lecture. User-friendly NPS-based recommender system for driving business revenue
Zbigniew Ras

16:05-16:20 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:20-19:15 Session. Vagueness, Rough Sets, Mereology

16:20-16:45 Generalized ideals and co-granular rough sets
Mani A

16:45-17:10 Similarity based rough set theory
David Nagy, Tamas Mihalydeak, Laszlo Aszalos

17:10-17:35 Certainty-based rough sets
Davide Ciucci, Ivan Forcati

17:35 -18:00 Approximations from anywhere and generalized rough sets
Mani A

18:00-18:25 Path planning based on potential fields from rough mereology
Łukasz Żmudziński, Piotr Artiemjew

18:25-18:50 Mereogeometry based approach for behavioral robotics
Piotr Gnyś

18:50-19:15 A topological approximation space based on open sets of topology generated by coverings
Bożena Staruch, Bogdan Staruch

19:15-19:40 Ivan Rodin

20:00 Farewell Party Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s



12:20-13:10 Session. Three-Way Decision Systems, Uncertainty, Granular Computing

12:20-12:45 A semi-supervised three-way clustering framework for multi-view data
Hong Yu, Xincheng Wang, Guoyin Wang

12:45-13:10 Actionable strategies in three-way decisions with rough sets
Cong Gao, Yiyu Yao

13:15-14:15 Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:15-15:55 Session. Three-Way Decision Systems, Uncertainty, Granular Computing

14:15-14:40 Attribute reduction in utility-based decision-theoretic rough set models
Nan Zhang, Lili Jiang, Caihui Li

14:40-15:05 Rough set approximations in incomplete information table
Mengjun Hu, Yiyu Yao

15:05 -15:30 Conflict analysis for Pythagorean fuzzy information systems
Guangming Lang, Duoqian Miao, Zhifei Zhang, Ning Yao

15:30-15:55 Three-way decision cost model based on continuous domain
Tao Zhang, Quinghua Zhang, Chenchen Yang

15:55-16:10 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:10-16:35 Session. Three-Way Decision Systems, Uncertainty, Granular Computing

16:10-16:35 Determining thresholds in three-way decisions:A multi-object optimization view
Yuanjian Zhang, Duoqian Miao, Jianfeng Xu, Zhifei Zhang

20:00 Farewell Party Kortowo Harbor



12:20-13:10 Session. Three-Way Decision Systems, Uncertainty, Granular Computing

12:20-12:45 A three-way recommender system for popularity-based costs
Yuan-Yuan Xu, Heng-Ru Zhang, Fan Min

12:45-13:10 A three-way decision model based on intutionistic fuzzy decision systems
Jiubing Liu, Xian-Zhong Zhou, Bing Huang, Huaxiong Li

13:15-14:15Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:15-15:55 Session. Three-Way Decision Systems. Recent Advances in Biomedical Data Analysis

14:15-14:40 A framework of three-way cluster analysis
Hong Yu

14:40-15:05 Three-way community detection algorithm based on local group information
Jie Chen, Liandi Fang, Yanping Zhang

15:05-15:30 Resolving conflicts between cuts in a decision tree with verifying cuts
Sylwia Buregma-Czuma et al.

15:30-15:55 Robust sigmoidal control response of C.elegans neural network
Rahul Badhwar, Ganesh Bagler

15:55-16:10 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

16:10-16:35 Session. Recent Advances in Biomedical Data Analysis

16:10-16:35 Methods based on Pawlak’s method of conflict analysis – a medical application
Małgorzata Przybyła-Kasperek

20:00 Farewell Party Kortowo Harbour . Sailor’s



12:20-13:10 Session. Trends in Multi-Agent Systems

12:20-12:45 Persuasive strategies in dialogue games with emotional reasoning
Magdalena Kacprzak

12:45-13:10 Simple SMT-based bounded model checking for timed interpreted systems
Agnieszka Zbrzezny, Andrzej Zbrzezny

13:15-14:15 Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:15-14:40 A novel description language for two-person dialogue games
Anna Sawicka, Magdalena Kacprzak, Andrzej Zbrzezny

14:40-15:05 A neural network pattern recognition approach to automatic rainfall classification using signal strength in LTE/4G networks
F Beritelli, G Capizzi, G Lo Sciuto, F Scaglione, D Połap, M Woźniak

15:05-16:05 IRSS Fellow Talk. Something to explore in Rough Set Theory: Connections with other mathematical fields and Multisource knowledge bases (read more)
Piero Pagliani

16:05-16:20 Coffee Break Old Power Plant

16:20-16:45 An approach for hospital planning with multi-agent organizations
John Bruntse Larsen, Jørgen Villadsen

20:00 Farewell Party Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s




9:00-10:00 Plenary Lecture. More with less: A new paradigm in modern Machine Learning
Nguyen Hung Son

10:00-10:20 Coffee Break Old Power Plant Lounge

10:20-11:20 Keynote Lecture. Structure and interpretation of classifiers: the rule networks
Jan Komorowski

11:20-11:50 IRSS Fellow Talk. Revisiting indiscernibility as the foundation of rough sets
Mihir Kumar Chakraborty

11:50-12:50 Tutorial. Rough sets for big data: A tutorial on applications in life sciences
Jan Komorowski/Klev Diamanti

12:50-14:00 Lunch Kortowo Harbour. Sailor’s

14:00-15:00 Tutorial. Rough sets for big data: A tutorial on applications in life sciences
Klev Diamanti, Mateusz Garbulowski

15:00-16:00 Tutorial. Bounded model checking (abstract)
Andrzej Zbrzezny

16:00-17:00 Coffee Break Old Power Plant  /  IRSS Business Meeting

17:00 Closing Ceremony